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  • mumtasali

Festival guide map and poster

We started off with the map and we struggled with it because we did not know how we wanted go about it. But we wanted to keep it simple since there are going to be kids as well so we did not want to get rid of the fun and fresh feeling. After trying a lot of different approaches we went with the simple art style which is easy to read and understand as well as having keys on the side explaining each sign in case of any confusion.

Overall i think the map is very easy to understand and read which is key. I think it links to our theme and it also looks aesthetically pleasing.

After that we moved on to the posters which were going to promote the event. At first we did not know what direction to go with the poster. We tried to experiment with having these waves and changing some of the typography around however the art style clashed with our other designs so we went back to our waves and bubble theme. We decided to keep that consistent and have it as a possible trademark. After we decided on this it was a matter of changing the typography and layout.

In the end we stuck to our theme and tried to keep that consistency throughout our designs. For the final outcome i think it is very aesthetically pleasing and represents our brand values and our desire to keep things fresh fun and unique.

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