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  • mumtasali

Colour Palette + Geometric shapes

Due to the fact that the magazine is based on the hijab which is an Islamic concept I wanted to give the magazine an Islamic feel where the reader would know that it is Islamically related. I drew some simple Islamic geometric designs however I ended up using the border and incorporating it by having it as a border around my page number. I still wanted the minimalistic but elegant feel. I did not want to add any intricate designs because I did not want it to distract the reader from the message and photography of the magazine.

For one of the pages, I had envisioned incorporating the moon into the layout, so I drew out a simple moon crescent as the moon is used often as a symbol of Islam which links to the fact that I wanted the magazine to give that Islamic feel.

For the geometric design on the left I got the inspiration from my local mosque. The interior of the mosque has a very similar border all around the carpet and I thought I could take that idea and use this shape in my magazine.

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