All inclusive shoes + Asia specific shoes development
At first we made the all inclusive shoes to promote anti-racism. We wanted to make this shoe for people to feel heard and included since its anti discrimination we wanted to celebrate different cultures using different languages and different foods to promote diversity. However before we got to the finished final piece we had a few drafts and we went through all the drafts but for each draft there was a reason why we did not go through with it.
For the first draft we did it without colour and it looked quiet good having the food in black and white however the shoe looked quiet plain so we decided to make a few changes to it adding "step up to racism" on the sole of the next draft.
For the second draft we decided the "step up to racism" on the soles was too much and actually distracting from the main message of the shoe as well as distracting from the foods. So after experimenting with this draft we decided to add colour to the first draft , the colour palette is supposed to represent skin colours of ethnic minorities.
For the last Draft we decided that it was heading the right direction however we needed to make sure that the colours were coordinated well together because it looked quiet imbalanced with the different shades of brown throughout the shoe.
After deciding on the colour palette and design of the shoe we swiftly moved on to the Asian specific shoe using the same colour palette and design because it was very effective to begin with.
Shoe design personalisation website
We made sure to have keywords such as "Asia" stand out when you look at the shoe as well a having different languages spoken in Asia on the shoe.
We wanted people to feel included in the process and be able to choose their own design for their own personalised shoe. Due to the seasonal campaign we were doing , we wanted to do a website where the people who are taking part in the New York marathon are able to customise their own shoe design so that they are able to part take.Users are able to decide designs on each part of the shoe ,whether they want it in colour or not. It allows us to reach our target audience while still being inclusive.
Seasonal : Winter New York marathon poster
For one of the seasonal campaigns we wanted to do a poster for the annual New York marathon to promote anti-racism. With the help of the shoe personalisation website people will be able to design their own shoe in which they can use for the marathon allowing them to support the cause while still being creative.
However, before we got to the final design we had two drafts. The first one was not used because of the placement of "step up to racism" it looked unbalanced and didn't match the vibe of our design.
For the second draft we did not use it because of the time on the top left, it looked a little too much and took away from the main message being the new York marathon as a whole.
Seasonal: Spring Uber Eats Ad + Stamp me Card
For this seasonal campaign we wanted to an uber eats campaign which allows people to try different cultures. Using the "stamp me" card people will get their 8th dish for free after trying 7 different cultural foods. This promotes diversity and combats discrimination by acknowledging others and their cultural dishes.We also made a phone version of the original Uber Eats ad so that its compatible with phones, this is due to the fact that our target audience mostly use their phone so its an effective way to reach them.
In order for people to get their 8th dish for free they will have to get their stamp card stamped every time they try a different cultural dish. This allows people to explore different cultures and understand each other while promoting diversity and anti-racism.
Seasonal: Summer Shoe competition
For this seasonal campaign we wanted to do a shoe competition, where people are able to show their creativity and send in their own shoe designs. The winner getting offered a sponsorship by Nike and a travel trip to various diverse countries to experience different cultures and traditions which promotes diversity and anti-racism.
Seasonal: Summer Shoe competition Social Media Ad Mock ups
In order to reach our target audience we made social media ads. Since our target audience is young people and they spend most of their time on social media we though it would be an effective way to reach them.
We made a Tiktok video ad as well as several mock ups. We used Tiktok and Instagram as the main social media because its the most used platforms by young people so it will help us reach our target audience faster.
Evaluation on the whole project
Overall I am very happy with how the shoes turned out. The fact that we made seasonal campaigns which are all year round allows us to spread the message of anti-racism all year. We took deep consideration when it came to choosing which platform we wanted to use because we wanted out project to fulfil its purpose successfully and effectively. I think that the project design ideas fulfils its purpose and answers the brief. It allowed me to be more creative and think how to tackle such a big task. I think the intended message of promoting diversity is easy to understand because we did not overcomplicate things but made it very easy to read and understand visually. I think that the design is aesthetically pleasing and trendy which makes It appropriate for our audience and allows us to reach our target audience effectively. The fact that we had to be very careful on where we wanted to go with this project makes it original because it was something we came up with and it has not been done before.
In conclusion I am very pleased with the outcome of the project. The fact that we were allowed to explore a topic we are passionate about made it a lot more enjoyable and it allowed us to add our own experiences in it as well and be the change that we want to see. I think we did well and I think we are able to convey our message successfully in a trendy and aesthetically pleasing way.